Super Bee Blog
Moving hives at night helps minimize problems
Rachel tries out red lights to see if the bees react as strongly as to other flashlights
A Swarm in December?
I got a call from the Carpinteria Sanitary District today. A small football sized swarm landed under their picnic bench.
Honey Bees Need Water!
As with all living things, honey bees need water too! Not only do they need it for basic survival, but water is also used for hive maintenance. The bees use it to cool the hive when temps are hot...
What to do when you find bees in the City of Santa Barbara Public Right of Way
In a effort to reduce confusion and help save more colonies of bees the City of Santa Barbara has created a press release regarding bees on City property. Please take a look and share with anyone...
Does wasp spray kill bees?
I often get asked, “Can I use wasp spray on honey bee?” by homeowners and gardeners hoping to save money by DIY pest control. In addition to the obvious reason as why this is a bad idea below are a...
Biocontrols for Healthy Organic Citrus Trees by Ron Whitehurst
Nick Wigle Local Beekeeper and Citrus Grower – Save our citrus and our bees
Save our citrus AND our bees I am a commercial beekeeper with citrus trees on my property in Carpinteria. This Asian citrus psyllid (ACP) issue is very important to me as I have large commercial...
ACP update and Organic ACP Treatment Protocol
On Wednesday evening I met with the CDFA and Citrus Liaison at an ACP open house. CDFA was talking with people about the Psyllid that has been found in our area citrus fruit trees and will be...
Why register a hive in Santa Barbara County?
By Nicholas Wigle and Rachel Binstock As beekeepers we are required by law to register their hives on the first of the year with the county in which the apiary is located and we do so in the hope...
Why we don’t perform free bee removal in Santa Barbara
Super bee rescue and removal does high quality professional removal of bees. In our work we attempt to maintain a 95% or higher survival rate for the bees while eradicating the chances of another...
The Bare Minimum Equipment Needed to Begin Beekeeping
There are a few pieces of equipment that are essential for any aspiring beekeeper. It’s not much, but investing in these items will help make your beekeeping adventure much more successful. Face...
Get Ready, Get Set, Go! – Notes from the 02-18-17 Introduction to Beekeeping Seminar
Get Ready – Beekeeping is a series of decisions that leads to a successful colonyTo make the best decisions it takes knowledge. I suggest starting with a good book and my favorite first book...