On Wednesday evening I met with the CDFA and Citrus Liaison at an ACP open house. CDFA was talking with people about the Psyllid that has been found in our area citrus fruit trees and will be spraying residential citrus trees, unless residents opt-out. The most important thing we learned is that CDFA is not currently planning to use the neonicotinoid imidacloprid on their first round of spray but will be on the next treatment in 6 months and on future treatments.
You can opt-out
- Several people, who have decided to opt out of the CDFA spraying, have contacted me. The reason they have decided to opt out is because they are organic gardeners, beekeepers, and neighbors of an ecologically sensitive area such as a creek, and/ or suffer from multiple chemical sensitivities. The people who have opted out want to help fight the Psyllid and help save the citrus. To opt out wait until you receive your 48 hour notice and call CDFA at 800-491-1899. A friend emailed me a sign that you can post in addition.
If you opt-out, consider still monitoring and treating your citrus
- After much searching I found a research paper by Beth Grafton-Cardwell, Dept. of Entomology that suggests an Organic ACP Treatment Protocol. UC riverside ACP organic treatment
Looking for organic pest control applicator
- If anyone knows a local pest control applicator that would be willing to help monitor and treat residential citrus with organic methods please email the address above and I will share contact details.
Let’s continue the conversation
- A few of us are hoping to meet together and discuss. If you are interested in joining in please email [email protected].